Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
115High Speed Synchronisation flash modeIf the attached flash unit has the correspondingfunction and an SCA-3502 adapter is being used,the LEICA M7 allows faster shutter speeds of1/250s, 1/500s and 1/1000s to be used forflash exposures. This high speed synchronisationflash technique significantly expands the creativefreedom offered for flash exposures. This isparticularly useful for daylight fill-flashes for moving subjects, where the desired shallowdepth-of-field requires large apertures and, at thesame time, the high ambient brightness requiresfast shutter speeds.With standard flash techniques, focal plane shut-ters like those in the LEICA M7 can only be syn-chronised with shutter speeds at which the camera’s shutter window is completely open at aparticular point in time. For the LEICA M7, thatmeans all shutter speeds up to 1/50s. At fasterspeeds, a section of either the 1st or the 2nd shutter curtain is always in the shutter window,which means that a flash can never illuminate theentire image.However, some modern flash units have "HighSpeed Synchronisation – HSS”, which emits flashesof lower power at very short intervals for a shortperiod of time. As these flashes are emittedthroughout the entire duration of the operation ofthe two shutter curtains, and have the effect of acontinuous light source during this time, with thistechnique the actual shutter speed is no longer socritical.To use the "High Speed Synchronisation flash”technique, one of the three possible shutterspeeds 1/250s, 1/500s or 1/1000s must be setmanually on the LEICA M7. The light emissionfrom the flash unit is also manual, therefore thesetting must be made using the flash unit’s aper-ture calculation function. The displays correspondto those for normal manual flash mode, as des-cribed above.For more details, refer to the relevant instruc-tions.