Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
126Leica AcademyLeica not only manufactures high-performanceproducts for everything from observation to re-production: it offers a special service in the formof the Leica Academy. For many years, this inter-nationally famous facility has taught photographicexpertise in practical seminars and training cours-es. It meets the needs of keen photographers,both beginners and advanced students, for speci-al training in demanding areas of 35mm photo-graphy, projection, and enlargement.Up-to-date, well-equipped seminar rooms areavailable at our Solms headquarters and at the nearby "Gut Altenberg" for these courses, whichare held by experienced instructors, the contentof which ranges from general photography to spe-cialised fields of interest. They provide a wealth ofpractical suggestions, help, and advice. More in-formation and the current program of seminars,including photographic excursions, are availablefrom:Leica Camera AGLeica AkademieOskar-Barnack Str. 11D-35606 SolmsPhone: +49 (0) 6442-208-421Fax: +49 (0) 6442-208-425e-mail: la@leica-camera.comLeica on the InternetCurrent information about products, news,events and the Leica company is available on ourhomepage on the Internet at:http://www.leica-camera.comLeica info serviceThe Leica information service can provide youwith answers to technical questions regardingthe complete Leica range either by telephone, orin writing, by fax or e-mail.Leica Camera AGInformations ServicePostfach 1180D-35599 SolmsPhone: +49 (0) 6442-208-111Fax: +49 (0) 6442-208-339e-mail: info@leica-camera.com