Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Konkani 1111 457 Korean ko ko 1042 412 Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 1088 440 Lao lo lo 1108 454 Latin la la 1142 476 Latvian lv lv 1062 426 Lithuanian lt lt 1063 427 Malay - Brunei ms ms-bn 2110 Malay - Malaysia ms ms-my 1086 Malayalam ml ml 1100 Maltese mt mt 1082 Manipuri 1112 458 Maori mi mi 1153 481 Marathi mr mr 1102 Mongolian mn mn 2128 850 Mongolian mn mn 1104 450 Nepali ne ne 1121 461
VII. Appendix 1 – List of Loca les ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 17 VIII. Appendix 2 – Config.xml sample ................................ ................................ ...
I. Definitions 1. OS Windows, Android, Linux 2. Sensor Primesense, Xtion, 3. Language Locale Locale Id String – A string repres enting a specific l anguage type. Examp les: zh-cn Chinese – China zh-hk Chinese - Hong Kon g zh-...
Making it professional Sometimes t he line between an a pp that looks like a 'hack' and an a pp that looks ‘ professional’ are some simple user experience and interface impl ementatio ns. If you're aspiring to get p lacement in the AppSide Marketplace...
2. Requirements Clone Mode - 720p resolution only 3. Application Name The name of the application installation folder you are developing should be unique. If an application with the name you selec ted already exists in the AppSide marke tplace y...
7. Data files All other files should be under “%Pro gramData%\AppName” (“C:\ProgramData\AppNam e”) in any struct ure. Alternatively, config files tha t get written at INSTA LL time but not for us er updatable data can be written under “C :\Program...
III. Submitting the Application 1. Test the application Before submitting the app lication, test the game thoroughly. Buggy A pplications and Applications that do not meet the AppSide Market place standards will be reject ed. 2. Create store imag es ...
3. Submit to AppSide Marketplace Submitting the developed game requires 3 steps: 1. Crea te one folder with the name of the application and it’s version (Ap pName_V1.0) Under this folder Create 4 folders: App – all files that resi de under “C:\Pr...
3. Fill in the AppSide configuration XML: App Name Application Name in the default language AppName The name of the folder where the app will be installed, under Program F i...
config.xml. AppName Application name according to language. If left empty the default will be used. Cool A pp! Description according to language. If left empty the default will be used. ...
IV. Segmentation 1. General A Segment is defined as a group of devices and users targeted to receive a certain look, feel or functiona lity of the Application. The best example of a segmen t is users from a certain country speaking a certain la...
Examp le: The Application can contain a folder cal led languages. Un der that folder there can be a folder for each language. Each language folder will contain all text, configurati on, image and sound files with language specific content. Upon user se...
V. Versioning 1. General Each time an application build is uploaded to the AppSide Market place it will rec eive a version. This version is impo rtant for communica tion between the developer and AppSide Market place and should be rememb ered by the ...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Afrikaan s af af 1078 436 Albanian sq sq 1052 Amharic am am 1118 Arabic - Algeria ar ar-dz 5121 1401 Arabic - Bahrain ar ar-bh 15361 Arabic - Egypt ...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Arabic - Yemen ar ar-ye 9217 2401 Armen ian hy hy 1067 Ass amese as as 1101 Azeri - Cyrillic az az-az 2092 Azeri - Latin az az-az 1068 Basque eu eu 1069 Be...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Chinese - Taiwan zh zh-tw 1028 404 Croatian hr hr 1050 Czech cs cs 1029 405 Danish da da 1030 406 Divehi; D hivehi; Mal divian dv dv 1125 465 Dutch - Belgiu...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal English - Phillippines en en-ph 13321 3409 English - Southern Africa en en-za 7177 English - Trinidad en en-tt 11273 English - Unit ed States en en-us 1033 409 Engli...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal French - Luxemb ourg fr fr-lu 5132 French - Mali fr 13324 French - Monaco fr 6156 French - Morocco fr 14348 French - Sene gal fr 10252 French - Switzerland fr fr-...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Greek el el 1032 408 Guarani - Paraguay gn gn 1140 474 Gujarati gu gu 1095 447 HID (Human Interface Device) 1279 Hebrew he he 1037 Hindi hi hi 1081 ...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Konkani 1111 457 Korean ko ko 1042 412 Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 1088 440 Lao lo lo 1108 454 Latin la la 1142 476 Latvian lv lv 1062 426 Lithuanian lt lt...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Setsuana tn tn 1074 432 Sindhi sd sd 1113 459 Sinhala; Sinhalese si si 1115 Slovak sk sk 1051 Slovenian sl sl 1060 424 Somali so so 1143 477 Sorbian s...
Locale ▾ Lan guage code LCID string LCID Deci mal LCID Hexade cimal Span ish - Mexico es es-mx 2058 Span ish - Nicaragua es es-ni 19466 Span ish - Panama es es-pa 6154 Span ish - Paraguay es es-py 15370 Span ish - Peru es es-pe 1
IX. Appendix 3 – Publishing on the Asus Xtion Store In order to publish applica tions and games which are c ompatible with the Asus Xtion solution, you can assume the following specs of the machine runn ing the app : OS: ...
阿拉伯語—沙特阿拉伯 ar ar-sa 1025 401 阿拉伯語—敘利亞 ar ar-sy 10241 2801 阿拉伯語—突尼斯 ar ar-tn 7169 阿拉伯語—阿拉伯聯合酋長國 ar ar-ae 14337 3801 阿拉伯語—也門 ar ar-ye 9217 2401 亞美尼亞語 hy hy 1067 阿薩姆語 as as 1101 阿塞拜疆語—西裡爾字母 az az-az 2092 阿塞拜疆語—拉丁字母 az...
德語—德國 de de-de 1031 407 德語—列支敦士登 de de-li 5127 1407 德語—盧森堡 de de-lu 4103 1007 德語—瑞士 de de-ch 2055 807 希臘語 el el 1032 408 瓜拉尼語—巴拉圭 gn gn 1140 474 古吉拉特文 gu gu 1095 447 HID (人機連接埠裝置) 1279 希伯來語 he he 1037 印地語 hi...
西班牙語—玻利維亞 es es-bo 16394 西班牙語—智利 es es-cl 13322 西班牙語—哥倫比亞 es es-co 9226 西班牙語—哥斯達黎加 es es-cr 5130 西班牙語—多米尼加共和國 es es-do 7178 西班牙語—厄瓜多爾 es es-ec 12298 西班牙語—薩爾瓦多 es es-sv 17418 西班牙語—危地馬拉 es es-gt 4106 西班牙語—洪都拉斯 es es...