
DC03の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.52MB]

gizport - 2013-08-15
http://www.dyson.co.uk/.../dc03_uk_manual_std_120710%20pdf.pdf - 0.52MB - キャッシュ
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Wand ShroudAdaptive BrushControlCover cap/storage hookCable winderHoseBlockage removalcassette Bin release catchFit tools to hosefor car cleaningPush button to releaseor replace wandOn/off switchTool locationLower cable winderWand release catchPost-motor filterTwist ringQuick releasewindowBin innerCyclone assemblyCyclone release catchBlockage removalcassette catchDCO3 quick reference pageCarrying handlebrush OFFfor use on delicate rugs and floors. Manually select/de-select Neutral. brush OFFfor when the cleaner is left running in the upright position and when the hose is in use.brush ON for normal carpet cleaning.NEUTRALPARKDRIVEThe Adaptive Brush Control is a simple device to allow cleaning of hard floorsby switching off the brushbar. The height adjusts automatically. Adaptive Brush ControlTHE SAFETY ALERT RATCHET NOISE WARNS THAT THE BRUSHBAR IS OBSTRUCTEDNPDMANUALPre-motor filterSoleplate



  • 1 .
    DYSON CUSTOMER HELPLINE0990 275104DCO3 Operating Manual8am to 8pm, 7 DAYS A WEEK
  • 2 .
    Wand ShroudAdaptive Brush...
    Wand ShroudAdaptive BrushControlCover cap/storage hookCable winderHoseBlockage removalcassette Bin release catchFit tools to hosefor car cleaningPush button to releaseor replace wandOn/off switchTool locationLower cable winderWand release catchPost-motor f...
  • 3 .
    Filters and blockagesRota...
    Filters and blockagesRotate twist ring to the left to releasefilter case.Remove filter case from machine body.12123434Lift out pre-filter using handle(replace at least every 12 months).Remove wand from hose and lookdown the wand to check for daylight.Locat...
  • 4 .
    Bin emptying and brushbar...
    Bin emptying and brushbarIf ratchet warning noise continues, stopvacuuming, turn off the machine andunplug. To free the brushbar, lie themachine on its front to reveal the soleplate.1234Using a coin, undo the three yellowfasteners.Push bin release catch fo...
  • 5 .
    DYSON CUSTOMER CAREIf you call before 11.00am (monday to friday), your cleaner will be collected after 12 noon that day. Our aim is to courier yourcleaner back to the Dyson factory and return it to you repaired and tested within 48 hours. The service may t...
  • 6 .
    Check that your supply co...
    Check that your supply corresponds to that shown on the rating plate. Theappliance must only be used as rated, and it should be fitted with an approved fuse to BS1362. This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for your safety and conve...