DC03の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.52MB]
gizport - 2013-08-15
http://www.dyson.co.uk/.../dc03_uk_manual_std_120710%20pdf.pdf - 0.52MB
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6page / 0.52MB
Wand ShroudAdaptive BrushControlCover cap/storage hookCable winderHoseBlockage removalcassette Bin release catchFit tools to hosefor car cleaningPush button to releaseor replace wandOn/off switchTool locationLower cable winderWand release catchPost-motor filterTwist ringQuick releasewindowBin innerCyclone assemblyCyclone release catchBlockage removalcassette catchDCO3 quick reference pageCarrying handlebrush OFFfor use on delicate rugs and floors. Manually select/de-select Neutral. brush OFFfor when the cleaner is left running in the upright position and when the hose is in use.brush ON for normal carpet cleaning.NEUTRALPARKDRIVEThe Adaptive Brush Control is a simple device to allow cleaning of hard floorsby switching off the brushbar. The height adjusts automatically. Adaptive Brush ControlTHE SAFETY ALERT RATCHET NOISE WARNS THAT THE BRUSHBAR IS OBSTRUCTEDNPDMANUALPre-motor filterSoleplate