LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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- 21 -Setup: Connecting the SCSI CableConnecting the SCSI CableCommunication between your computer and the LS-30 relieson the Small Computer System Interface, or SCSI, standard.For connection to the scanner and other SCSI devices, a SCSIcontroller must be installed in your computer. While Macintoshcomputers come with a SCSI controller built-in, most IBMPC/AT compatibles require a SCSI controller to be installed inthe form of a SCSI expansion board or PCMCIA card. Nikonrecommends Adaptec SCSI adapters with the 32-bit version ofWINASPI.DLL for computers running Windows 95 or Win-dows NT 4.0 (a list of adapters that have been tested andapproved by Nikon is provided separately).To install a SCSI adapter in a computer running Windows 95 orWindows NT 4.0, follow the instructions provided by themanufacturer. In the case of expansion boards and somePCMCIA cards, it is necessary to turn the computer off anddisconnect the power cable and all peripheral devices beforebeginning installation. When the computer is powered on afterinstallation, the Windows Hardware Wizard should detect theSCSI adapter and, if necessary, prompt you to install driversoftware for the device. Once installation is complete, check tobe sure that the system resources used by the adapter do notconflict with those used by other devices. If any conflicts arefound, resolve them as instructed in the manufacturer's manual.4 Caution: Do not attempt to connect the scanner to yourcomputer until a SCSI adapter has been installed and any resourceconflicts resolved.After installing a SCSI adapter on a com-puter running Windows 95, check forresource conflicts.1. Click the My Computer icon with theright mouse button and select P ropertiesfrom the menu that appears. TheSystem Properties window will bedisplayed. Open the Device Manager tab.2. If the card has been installed correctly, the System Properties windowwill contain a "SCSI controllers" icon. If " ?" "!" or "8" is showingnext to the name of the SCSI adapter, there is a problem which mustbe resolved before the scanner can be connected. To determine thecause of the problem, select the adapter icon and click the Proper-ties button to view the drivers and system resources for the device.SCSI controller