LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 46 -TroubleshootingProblem: the scan window controls are grayed out ora "no adapter" or "no media" error appears whenyou attempt to scan an image using Nikon ScanCheck that there is an adapter in the device and that it is fullyinserted in the adapter slot. The scanner will not recognize theSA-20 or optional IA-20 adapter unless the connector on therear of the adapter is fully inserted in the connector at the backof the adapter slot. If the adapter is in place, check that the filmis properly inserted in the adapter.Problem: the quality of scanned images is poorChecklist:* Is there dust on the film?Remove dust from the film with a blower and scan theimage again.* Is the film to be scanned properly inserted in the scanner?Reinsert the film and try again.* Did you move the film or scanner while scanning was inprogress?Do not attempt to insert or remove film while scanning is inprogress. Moving the scanner while the status LED is flashingcould cause malfunction. Install the scanner in an environ-ment free of vibration and shocks.* Are you using the software correctly?Refer to the User's Guide and software reference manuals fordetails on how to adjust image quality prior to scanning.