LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 24 -Setup: Connecting the SCSI CableConnect a second SCSI cable to the other of the two connec-tors on the rear of the scanner, then connect the other end ofthe cable to another SCSI device. Confirm that the last devicein the chain is terminated.Other SCSI deviceTerminatorMADE IN JAPAN 100098SCSI SCSISCSI NBTERMINATOROFF ON65432107100-240V~0.3-0.2A50/60 HzNote: If the last device in the chain has an unused SCSI connec-tor, a separate terminator should be attached to it, even if thedevice is connected to the SCSI chain using a through terminator.When the scanner is between other devicesSet the terminator switch on the rear of the scanner to OFF.TERMINATOROFF ONConnect one end of the SCSI cable to either of the connectorson the rear of the scanner, then connect the other end to oneof the devices in the chain.MADE IN JAPAN100098SCSI SCSISCSI NBTERMINATOROFF ON654321074 Caution: Do not touch the connector pins with your fingersor with metal objects, as this could result in static electricity dam-aging one or more of the devices in the SCSI chain.