Aspire 3820の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.16MB]
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Product name: Lithium ionbattery cell Reference number :SDS -IBT-000 26Estab lishment / Revision: Dec .3,20104/611. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThere is no available data on the product itself. The information of the inte rnal cell materials is as follows.Lithium transition metal oxidate -Li[M]m[O]n・Acute toxicity: No applicable data.Reference cobalt: LDLo, oral -Guinea pig 20mg/kgmanganese: LD50, oral -Guinea pig 9000mg/kgnickel: LDLo, oral -Guinea pig 5mg/kg・Local effects: Unknown.・Sensitization:The nervous system of respiratory organs may be stimulated sensitively.・Chronic toxicity/Long term toxicity :By the long -term inhalation of coarse particulate orvapor of cobalt, it is possible to cause the seriousrespiratory -organs disease. Skin reaction or a lung disease for a llerg icor hypersensitive person may becaused .Cobalt compounds belong to the 2B group of the carcinogen in the IARC category (substance which issuspected to have carcinogenic to man).By the long -term or repetitive inhalation of coarse particulate of Manganese Oxide (MnO2), lungs andnervous system may be affected ;bronchitis, pneumo nia, nerve disease ornerve mental disorder(manganese poisoning) may be caus ed.Nickel Compounds belong to the 1st group of the carcinogen in the IARC category (substance whichhas carcinogenic to man).・Skin causticity: Although it is very rare, the rash of the skin and allergic erythema may result.*Not every product includes all of these metals.Aluminum・Local effects: Aluminum itself has no toxicity . When it go esinto a wound ,dermatitis may be caused .・Chronic toxicity/Long term toxicity: By the long -term inhalation of coarse particulate or fume, it is possibleto cause lung damage (aluminum lungs).Graphite・Acute toxicity: Unknown.・Local effects: When it goes into one 'seye s,itstimulat esone 's eyes; conjunctivitis ,thickening of cornea lepithelium oredematous inflammation palpebra may be caused .・Chronic toxicity/Long term toxicity:Since the long -term inhalation ofhigh levels of graphite coarse particulate may become a cause of alung disease or a tracheal disease.・Carcinogenicity:Graphite is n ot recognized as a cause of cancer by research organizations and natural toxic substanceresearch organizations of cancer.Copper・Acute toxicity:60-100mg sized coarse particulate causes a gastrointestinal disturbance with nausea and inflammation.TDLo, hypodermic -Rabbit 375 mg/kg・Local effects:Coarse particulate stimulates a nose and a tracheal.When it goes into one 's eyes, t he symptom of the reddening and the pain iscaused .・Sensitization: Sensitization of the skin may be caused by long -term or repe titive contact.Organic Electrolyte・Acute toxicity:LD50, oral -Rat 2,000mg/kg or more・Local effects: Unknown.・Skin irritation study: Rabbit -Mild・eye irritation study: Rabbit -Very severe
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