Aspire 3820の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全11ページ 0.16MB]
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UN Test Data (Model:3UR18650-3-T0664)1.Test Item: Altitude simulation (T1) P.3/102.Test Purpose: This test simulates air transport under low-pressure conditions.3.Test Procedure: Test cells and batteries shall be stored at a pressure of 11.6kPa or less for at least six hours at ambient temperature(20+-5 ℃). SANYO Internal Procedure: As above.4.Test Requirements: No mass loss(less than 0.1%),no leakage,no venting,no disassembly,no rupture and no fire,and the voltage retention is not less than 90%. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test batteries at fully discharged states.5.Test Date: 2008/12/26.Test DataBefore test After test Before test After test1 490.68 490.68 0.00 12.81 12.81 100.00PASS2 491.47 491.49 0.00 12.80 12.80 100.00PASS3 490.80 490.77 0.01 12.80 12.80 100.00PASS4 490.97 490.98 0.00 12.81 12.81 100.00PASS5 491.24 491.23 0.000PASS6 491.59 491.61 0.000PASS7 490.71 490.73 0.000PASS8 490.73 490.74 0.000PASS9 491.51 491.52 0.00 12.68 12.68 100.00PASS10 490.62 490.64 0.00 12.69 12.69 100.00PASS11 490.97 490.98 0.00 12.68 12.68 100.00PASS12 491.26 491.29 0.01 12.68 12.68 100.00PASS13 491.31 491.32 0.000PASS14 491.87 491.87 0.000PASS15 491.19 491.21 0.000PASS16 491.25 491.24 0.000PASSNotes: L-Leakage, V-Venting, D-Disassembly, R-Rupture, F-Fire, 0-No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture & no fireResult Judgement At firstcycle,infullychargedstatesPASSAt firstcycle,infullydischargedstatesAfter 50cyclesending infullychargedstatesAfter 50cyclesending infullydischargedstatesBattery No.Mass(g)Massloss (%)(=<0.1%)Voltage(V)VoltageRetention(%)(=>90%)Otherevent
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