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"LS"490 - 500 件目を表示
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT133Destination Assist provides you with liveassistance for finding destinations via theLexus Enform response center. You canrequest either a specific business, ad-dress, or ask for help locating your desireddestination by category, such as restau-rants, gas stations, shopping centers orother points of interest (POI).After you tell the agent your choice of des-tination, its coordinates are sent wirelesslyto your vehicle's navigation system. Make a call with Destination Assist1...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT135Destination Assist HistoryLocations you receive via Destination As-sist will be saved to the navigation system.Up to 100 destinations can be stored in theDestination Assist history.1. Push the "DEST" button.2. Touch "Destination Assist" on the"Destination" screen.U12002LS3. Touch "Dest. Assist History".U12004LS4. Select the desired location in orderto display its data and be able to be setit as a destination.Touch "Sort" to sort the locations by eitherdate or name.DELETE D...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT134U20003LS4. When an agent comes on the line,tell the agent the address, businessname, or the type of POI or service youwould like to locate.To adjust the call volume, touch "-" or " +"on the "Destination Assist" screen, or usethe volume switch on the steering wheelduring the call.You can end the call at any time by tou-ching the "Disconnect" button on the"Destination Assist" screen or the steer-ing−wheel phone on−hook (hang−up)switch.After the agent helps you determine you...
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled MaintenanceLog4918 Months or 15,000 Mileso Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder lighto Rotate tires2o Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS)o Visually inspect brake pads, calipers and rotorso Check installation of driverÕs floor mato Road-test vehicleo Inspect the following:___Axle shaft boots___Ball joints and dust covers___Body___Brake lines and hoses___Engine coolant (see page 69)___Exhaust pipes and mountingsAdditional Maintenance R equired If Yo...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT137U12009LS4. Touch "Download".5. Touch "Yes" to confirm or "No" tocancel download.U12043LSWhen "Yes" is touched, your most recentonline eDestination data will be loaded tothe navigation system. Set an eDestination in the naviga-tion system for guidance1. Push the "DEST" button.2. Touch "Point of Interest" on the"Destination" screen.3. Touch "eDestination" on the "Pointof Interest" screen.U12009LS4. Touch the desired eDestinationfolder.U121039LS5. Touch the desired location.
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE6Months or 5,000 Miles1o Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder lighto Rotate tires2o Visually inspect brake pads, calipers and rotorso Check installation of driverÕs floor mato Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Following ConditionsDriving on dirt roads or dusty roads:o Inspect axle shaft bootso Inspect ball joints and dust coverso Inspect engine air filtero Inspect steering linkage and bootso Tighten nuts and bol...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT136With the eDestination feature, you can goonline, via the owner's Website, to select and organize destinations ofyour choice and then wirelessly send themto your vehicle's navigation system. Youcan store up to 200 locations online to ac-cess and update at any time.Your locations can be organized into up to20 personalized folders.You must first go online at www .lexus.comand go to the "Owners" section where youwill need to register and log in. After this,you can cr...
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE24 Months or 20,000 Mileso Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder lighto Rotate tires1o Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(LS 460 with Sport Package)o Replace air conditioner filter (LSo Replace Smart Key batteryo Visually inspect brake pads, calipers and rotorso Check installation of driverÕs floor mato Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Following ConditionsDriving on dirtroads or dusty roads:o Inspect axl...
LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT138U12040LSThe POI will be shown on the map. You cantouch the "Go to " button to set the POIas a destination with route directions.You can also touch the "Info." button todisplay more information about the POI.U12041LS"Mark": To mark the POI on the navigationmap."Go to ": To set the POI as a destinationwith route directions."Detail": To read the POI notes you en-tered online, if any. Show eDestination iconsU3076LC1. Touch "Show on Map".2. Touch "eDest. Icons". "eDest. Icons...
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled MaintenanceLog5136 Months or 30,000 Mileso Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder lighto Rotate tires1o Measure thickness of brake pads and runout of brake rotorso Replace air conditioner filtero Replace brake fluido Replace engine air filtero Replace Smart Key batteryo Visually inspect brake pads, calipers and rotorso Check installation of driverÕs floor mato Road-test vehicleo Inspect the following:___Axle shaft boots___Ball joints and dust covers__...
