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"VOLVO"240 - 250 件目を表示
DEAR VOLVO OWNERTHANK YOU FOR CHOOSING VOLVOWe hope you will enjoy many years of driving pleasure in your Volvo.The car has been designed for the safety and comfort of you and yourpassengers. Volvo is one of the safest cars in the world. Your Volvohas also been designed to satisfy all current safety and environmentalrequirements.In order to increase your enjoyment of the car, we recommend thatyou familiarise yourself with the equipment, instructions and mainte-nance information contained in this owner's man...
Table of contents2* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.0000 IntroductionImportant information ................................. 6Volvo and the environment. ...................... 110101 SafetySeatbelts .................................................. 16Airbags...................................................... 19Activating/deactivating the airbag*........... 22Side airbags (SIPS bags) ......................... 24Inflatable Curtain (IC) ............................... 26WHIPS ......
Table of contents* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.30303 Your driving environmentInstruments and controls .......................... 68Volvo Sensus ........................................... 77Key positions............................................ 78Seats......................................................... 80Steering wheel.......................................... 85Lighting..................................................... 86Wipers and washing..............................
IntroductionImportant information 6* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Reading the Owner's ManualIntroductionA good way of getting to know your new car isto read the owner's manual, ideally before yourfirst journey. This will give you the opportunityto familiarise yourself with new functions, tosee how best to handle the car in different sit-uations, and to make the best use of all thecar's features. Please pay attention to thesafety instructions contained in the manual.The specificat...
IntroductionImportant information 8* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Bulleted listsA bulleted list is used when there is a list ofpoints in the owner's manual.Example:•Coolant•Engine oilTo be continued This symbol is located furthest down to theright when a section continues on the followingpage.Recording dataYour vehicle contains a number of computerswhose function is to continuously check andmonitor the vehicle's operation and function-ality. Some of the computers can record info...
Introduction Volvo and the environment* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.11Volvo Cars' environmental philosophyG000000Environmental care is one of Volvo Car Corpo-ration's core values which influence all opera-tions. We also believe that our customers shareour consideration for the environment.Your Volvo complies with strict internationalenvironmental standards and is also manufac-tured in one of the cleanest and most resource-efficient plants in the world. Volvo Car Corpo-ration has...
Introduction Important information9Laser sensorThis vehicle is equipped with a sensor whichtransmits laser light. It is absolutely essential tofollow the prescribed instructions when han-dling the laser sensor.The following two labels in English are fitteddirectly on the laser sensor unit:The upper label in the figure describes the laserbeam's classification:•Laser radiation - Do not look into the laserbeam with optical instruments - Class 1Mlaser product.The lower label in the figure describes the laserbea...
01 SafetySeatbelts 0116General informationHeavy braking can have serious consequencesif the seatbelts are not used. Ensure that allpassengers use their seatbelts.It is important that the seatbelt lies against thebody so it can provide maximum protection.Do not lean the backrest too far back. Theseatbelt is designed to protect in a normalseating position.Putting on a seatbeltPull the belt out slowly and secure it by press-ing its locking tab into the seatbelt buckle. Aloud "click" indicates that the belt ha...
IntroductionVolvo and the environment 12* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.the level of certain unhealthy gases such ascarbon monoxide then the air intake is closed.Such a situation may arise in heavy traffic,queues and tunnels for example.The entry of nitrous oxides, ground-level ozoneand hydrocarbons is prevented by the carbonfilter.InteriorThe interior of a Volvo is designed to be plea-sant and comfortable, even for people withcontact allergies and for asthma sufferers.Extreme att...
01 SafetyActivating/deactivating the airbag* 0122* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Key switch off - PACOS*General informationThe airbag for the front passenger seat can bedeactivated if the car is equipped with a switch,PACOS (Passenger Airbag Cut Off Switch). Forinformation on how to activate/deactivate, seeunder the heading Activating/deactivating.Key switch off/switchThe switch for the passenger airbag (PACOS)is located on the passenger end of the instru-ment panel and is accessi...
