SH705iIIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全516ページ 19.86MB]
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516page / 19.86MB[440/440]付録/外部機器連携/困ったときには本製品および付属品は、日本輸出管理規制(「外国為替及び外国貿易法」およびその関連法令)の適用を受ける場合があります。また米国再輸出規制(Export Administration Regulations) の適用を受けます。本製品および付属品を輸出および再輸出する場合は、お客様の責任および費用負担において必要となる手続きをお取りください。詳しい手続きについては経済産業省または米国商務省へお問い合わせください。シャープ株式会社のホームページ enu/phone/cellular/sar/index.h tml※技術基準については、電波法関連省令(無線設備規則第14条の2)で規定されています。European RF Exposure InformationYour mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is d esigned not to exceed the limits for expo sure to radio waves recommende d by international guidelines. The se guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the p rotection of all persons, regar dless of age and health.The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ea r was 0.992 W/kg※.As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting p ower the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically belo w that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to reach the network.The World Health Organization ha s stated that present scientifi c information does not indicate th e need for any special precauti ons for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a hands-free device to keep the mobile phone away from the head.※ The tests are carried out in acc ordance with international guidelines for testing.日本輸出管理規制/米国再輸出管理規制についてHereby, Sharp Telecommunications of Europe Ltd, declares that this FOMA SH705iⅡ is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.A copy of the original declaration of conformity can be found at the following Internet address: of 440 ページ 2008年3月20日 木曜日 午前9時27分
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