PT-VX400の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 12.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 12.77MB
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80page / 12.77MB
Menu NavigationENGLISH - 35SettingsMain menuThe main menu consists of the following 9 menu items.When a main menu item is selected, the screen changes to a submenu selection screen.InputPC adjustImage selectImage adjustScreenSoundSettingInformationNetworkSub menuThe sub-menu screen of the selected main menu appears, and you can set and adjust the various items in the submenu. JInput [ ]Sub-menu itemFactory defaultPageComputer 1 RGB 37Computer 2 RGB 37HDMI - 37Video - 37S-video - 37PC adjust [ J ]Sub-menu itemFactory defaultPageAUTO PC adj. - 39Fine sync. - 40Total dots - 40Horizontal - 40Vertical - 40Current mode - 41Clamp - 41Display area H - 41Display area V - 41Reset - 41Mode free - 41Store - 41NoteThis function will be available when the input source zcome from computer. JImage select [ ]Sub-menu itemFactory defaultPageDynamic - 42Standard - 42Real - 42Cinema*1- 42Blackboard(Green) - 42Colorboard Red 42Image 1-4 - 42When input video signal to the projector, this function *1 : will be available.
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