PT-VX400の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 12.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 12.77MB
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80page / 12.77MB
Technical InformationENGLISH - 69Appendix JCable speciications[When connected to a computer]Projector1 NC NC 1Computer (DTE speciications)2 23 34 NC NC 45 56 67 78 89 9 JControl commandsWhen controlling the projector from a computer, the following commands are available:[Projector control command]Command Control contents RemarksPON Power [ON]POF Power [OFF]IIS INPUT selection(Parameter)VID = VideoSVD = S-video RG1 = Computer 1(RGB)RG2 = Computer 2(RGB)HD1 = HDMISCT = Computer 1(Scart)OSH AV mute functionTurning off the projection and sound temporarily.Sending the command switches ON/OFF.Do not switch ON/OFF in a short period of time.OFZ Freeze Sending the command switches ON/OFF.AUU Volume upAUD Volume downDZU D. ZOOM upDZD D. ZOOM downQPW Power query000 = Standby001 = Power onQ$SLamp condition query(Call back)0 = Stand-by1 = Lamp ON control active2 = Lamp ON3 = Lamp OFF control active
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