Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
116Strobe flash modeIf the attached flash unit has the correspondingfunction and an SCA-3501/3502 adapter is beingused, the LEICA M7 allows movements to be cap-tured in single stages using stroboscopic flasheson one image. Using this technique, several flashes are emitted one after another with theshutter open, which "freezes” the subject, whichshould preferably be only weakly lit, in motion.The camera automatically calculates the requiredshutter speed, which is the product of the numberof single flashes selected on the flash unit and theflash frequency selected.With the aperture priority mode, this shutterspeed is used independently of the prevailinglighting conditions. The fastest possible shutterspeed is once again 1/50s.If the selected aperture means that there is a riskof overexposure, the shutter speed display flashes as a warning. On the other hand, there isno warning if you are below the metering range.If the exposure is set manually, the shutter speedset is used. The camera/flash unit combinationresponds differently depending on whether thisspeed is faster or slower than the calculated, required speed:If the set shutter speed is faster than required, i.e.the desired stroboscope exposure cannot be car-ried out, the flash is not triggered and the flashsymbol does not appear. The light balance contin-ues to work as normal.If the set shutter speed is sufficient for or slowerthan that required for the desired strobe exposure,the flash is triggered and the flash symbol appears. The light balance continues to work asnormal.For " B ”, the flash is also triggered, but only theflash LED lights up before exposure. After expo-sure, the flash LED goes out and the digital displaycounts the expired seconds.Flash LED displays in strobe mode• appears even though the flash unit is turnedon and ready to use: The shutter speed set on the camera is too fastfor the number of flashes set on the flash unit.• flashes slowly (at 2Hz) before the shutter isreleased: The flash unit is not operational yet.• lights up continuously before the exposure:The flash unit is operational.