Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
74The shutter release button should be pressedgently – not jerkily – until the shutter opens with aquiet click. The shutter release has a threadedsocket to accept standard cable releases.Note: The second pressure point cannotbe de-tected when using cable releases.The shutter speed dialThe size and position of the shutter speed dial (11)on the LEICA M7 are ergonomically perfect: onthe one hand it is extremely easy to operate evenwith the camera held to the eye. On the otherhand, it is still well-protected against the settingsbeing accidentally changed.In addition, the direction in which it turns (like that of the aperture ring on the lenses) corresponds to the exposure meter displays in theviewfinder for manual setting: for example, if theleft-hand triangular LED lights up, turning the dialin the direction of the arrow, i.e. to the right, leadsto the slower shutter speed required.The LEICA M7’s shutter speed dial is used to se-lect the two exposure modes – aperture prioritymode by setting it to the " AUTO ” position markedin orange or red1, manual mode by selecting oneof the shutter speeds from 1/1000s to 4s, thesync speed 1/50s for flash mode in the " " position marked in orange or red1, or " B ” for long time exposures. When the dial is set to " B ”, theshutter remains open for as long as the shutter release button is depressed.In aperture priority mode, the exposure is con-trolled automatically and continuously, with shut-ter speeds in the range from 1/1000s to 32s.These shutter speeds, like most of those set manually, are created electronically, which meansthey are only available if there is sufficient power(more information can be found in the section"The power supply” on page 71).1 To ensure optimum visibility, these engravings are inorange on black chromium plated cameras and red onsilver chromium plated cameras.71011