CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全22ページ 0.62MB]
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TELEPHONE AND INFORMATION149You can call using the latest call historyitem.1. Push of the steering wheel todisplay the "Phone" screen.2. Push of the steering wheel todisplay the "Call History" screen.3. Push of the steering wheel to se-lect the latest history item.4. Select or push of the steer-ing wheel to call the latest history item. When you call by phonebook, thename (if registered) is displayed. When you call the same numbercontinuously, only the newest numberis registered. When a phone number registered inthe phonebook is received, the nameand the number are displayed. Number−withheld calls are also mem-orized in the system. International phone calls may not bemade depending on the cellular phonewhich you have. By voice recognitionYou can call by giving a command. (Forthe operation and command of voicerecognition, see "Voice command sys-tem" on page 51.)This can be operated while driving.The "Dial by Name" operating procedure isexplained here.Other operating procedures are also simi-lar.
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