CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全22ページ 0.62MB]
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TELEPHONE AND INFORMATION1394Indicates the level of reception. Poor ExcellentThe level of reception does not alwayscorrespond with the one of your cellu-lar phone.The level of reception may not be dis-played depending on the phone you have.When you are out of the service area or ina place inaccessible by radio waves, "NoService" is displayed.An antenna for the Bluetooth connec-tion is built in the instrument panel.The indication of the Bluetooth con-nection may turn yellow and the sys-tem may not function when you usethe Bluetooth phone in the followingconditions and places. Your cellular phone is obstructed bycertain objects (such as when it isbehind the seat or in the glove box andconsole box). Your cellular phone touches or iscovered with metal materials.Leave the Bluetooth phone in a placewhere "Blue" indication is displayed.About the phonebook in this systemThe following data is stored for every regis-tered phone. When another phone is con-necting, you cannot read the registereddata. Phonebook data Voice tag All of call history Speed dialWhen you delete the phone, theabove−mentioned data is also deleted.When you release your car:A lot of personal data is registeredwhen you use the Hands −free system.When you release your car, initializeyour data. (See " Delete personaldata" on page 307.)Once initialized, the data and settings willbe erased. Pay much attention when ini-tializing the data.You can initialize the following data in thesystem. Phonebook data Call history data Speed dial data Voice tag data Bluetooth phone data Volume setting Details setting
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