APPENDIX387U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTSIf you are an agency, department, orother entity of the United StatesGovernment, or funded in whole or inpart by the United States Government,then use, duplication, reproduction,release, modification, disclosure ortransfer of this commercial product andaccompanying documentation, isrestricted in accordance with theLIMITED or RESTRICTED rights asdescribed in DFARS252.227−7014(a)(1) (JUN 1995)(DOD commercial computer softwaredefinition), DFARS 227.7202 −1 (DODpolicy on commercial computersoftware), FAR 52.227−19 (JUN 1987)(commercial computer softwareclause for civilian agencies), DFARS252.227−7015 (NOV 1995) (DODtechnical data − commercial itemsclause); FAR 52.227 −14 Alternates I,II, and III (JUN 1987) (civilian agencytechnical data and noncommercialcomputer software clause); and/orFAR 12.211 and FAR 12.212(commercial item acquisitions), asapplicable. In case of conflict betweenany of the FAR and DF ARS provisionslisted herein and this Agreement, theconstruction that provides greaterlimitations on the Government's rightsshall control.Contractor/manufacturer is Tele AtlasNorth America, Inc., 11 LafayetteStreet, Lebanon, NH 03766 −1445.Phone: 603.643.0330. The DATA-BASE is ©1984−2010 by Tele AtlasNorth America, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RE-SERVED. For purpose of any publicdisclosure provision under any federal,state or local law, it is agreed that theDATABASE is a trade secret and a pro-prietary commercial product and notsubject to disclosure.If you are an agency, department, orother entity of any State government,the United States Government or anyother public entity or funded in whole orin part by the United States Govern-ment, then you hereby agree to protectthe DATABASE from public disclosureand to consider the DATABASE ex-empt from any statute, law, regulation,or code, including any Sunshine Act,Public Records Act, Freedom of Infor-mation Act, or equivalent, which per-mits public access and/or reproductionor use of the Licensed Products. In theevent that such exemption is chal-lenged under any such laws, thisAgreement shall be consideredbreached and any and all right to retainany copies or to use of the DAT ABASEshall be terminated and considered im-mediately null and void. Any copies ofthe DATABASE held by you shall im-mediately be destroyed. If any court ofcompetent jurisdiction considers thisclause void and unenforceable, inwhole or in part, for any reason, thisAgreement shall be considered termi-nated and null and void, in its entirety,and any and all copies of the DATA-BASE shall immediately be destroyed.