CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全14ページ 0.15MB]
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APPENDIX388END USER TERMSThe data ("Data") is provided for yourpersonal, internal use only and not forresale. It is protected by copyright, andis subject to the following terms andconditions which are agreed to by you,on the one hand, and DENSO COR-PORATION ("DENSO") and its licen-sors (including their licensors and sup-pliers) on the other hand.© 2009 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved.NAVTEQ holds a non −exclusive li-cense from the United States PostalService to publish and sell ZIP+4 information.©United States Postal Service 2009.Prices are not established, controlledor approved by the United States Post-al Service. The following trademarksand registrations are owned by theUSPS: United States Postal Service,USPS, and ZIP+4.TERMS AND CONDITIONSPersonal Use Only . You agree to usethis Data together with vehicle naviga-tion system for the solely personal,non−commercial purposes for whichyou were licensed, and not for servicebureau, time−sharing or other similarpurposes. Accordingly, but subject tothe restrictions set forth in the followingparagraphs, you may copy this Dataonly as necessary for your personaluse to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, pro-vided that you do not remove any copy-right notices that appear and do notmodify the Data in any way. You agreenot to otherwise reproduce, copy,modify, decompile, disassemble or re-verse engineer any portion of thisData, and may not transfer or distributeit in any form, for any purpose, exceptto the extent permitted by mandatorylaws. Multi−disc sets may only betransferred or sold as a complete setas provided by DENSO and not as asubset thereof.
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