CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全30ページ 0.35MB]
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LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT164Destination Assist HistoryLocations you receive via Destination As-sist will be saved to the navigation system.Up to 100 destinations can be stored in theDestination Assist History.1. Push the MENU button on the Re-mote Touch, then select Destination.2. Select Destination Assist on theDestination screen.U12002LS3. Select Dest. Assist History.U12004LS4. Select the desired location in orderto display its data and be able to be setit as a destination.Select Sort to sort the locations by eitherdate or name.DELETE DESTINATION ASSISTHISTORYYou can delete destinations from your his-tory.U12005LS1. Select Delete on the DestinationAssist History screen.U12006LS2. Select the individual destinationyou would like to delete or Select All.3. Select Delete.
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