CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全22ページ 0.34MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: ROUTE GUIDANCE99When the vehicle is on the guidance route,the distance and the estimated travel/arriv-al time to the destination are displayed.When the vehicle is not on the guidanceroute, the distance and the direction of thedestination are displayed.When driving on the guidance route andmore than one destination is set, the dis-tance and the estimated travel/arrival timefrom the current position to each destina-tion are displayed.1. Select this button to display the fol-lowing screen.2. Select the number button to displaythe desired destination.The distance, the estimated travel timeand the estimated arrival time from the cur-rent position to the selected destinationare displayed.Estimated travel time is dis-played.Estimated travel time is dis-played.To switch to estimated arrivaltime.To switch to estimated travel time.Displayed while driving off theguidance route. The destinationdirection is indicated by an arrow.INFORMATIONWhen the vehicle is on the guidanceroute, the distance measured alongthe route is displayed. Travel timeand arrival time is calculated basedon the set vehicle speed information.(See page 318.) However, when thevehicle is not on the guidance route,the distance is the linear distance be-tween the current position and thedestination.Distance and time todestination
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