CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 0.44MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS35List screen operationWhen a list is displayed, use the appropri-ate button to scroll through the list.To shift to the next or previouspage.Select or to scroll throughthe displayed list.This expresses a displayed screenposition.If appears to the right of theitem name, the complete name istoo long for the display. Select to scroll to the end of thename.Select to scroll to the begin-ning of the name.INFORMATIONThe and buttons on theRemote Touch can be used to scrollup and down on list screens. SortingThe order of a list displayed on the screencan be rearranged.1. Select Sort.2. Select the desired sorting criteria.Sorting criteria are as follows:Distance: To sort in the order of dis-tance from your current location.Date: To sort in the order of the date.Category: To sort in the order of thecategory.Icon: To sort in the order of the icons.Name: To sort in order by name.
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