CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 3.27MB]
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5224-3. Do-it-yourself maintenanceCT200h_U (OM76004U)Registering ID codesThe tire pressure warning valve and transmitter is equipped with a unique ID code. When replacing a tire pressu re warning valve and transmitter, it is necessary to register the ID code. Ha ve the ID code registered by your Lexus dealer.nWhen to replace your vehicle's tiresTires should be replaced if:lYou have tire damage such as cuts, splits, cracks deep enough to expose the fabric, and bulges indicating internal damage.lA tire goes flat repeatedly or cannot be properly repaired due to the size or location of a cut or other damage.If you are not sure, consult with your Lexus dealer.nReplacing tires and wheelsIf the ID code of the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter is not registered, the tire pressure warning system will not work properly. After driving for about 20 minutes, the tire pressure warning light flas hes for 1 minute and stays on to indicate a system malfunction.nTire lifeAny tire over 6 years old must be checked by a qualified technician even if it has sel-dom or never been used or damage is not obvious.
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