CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.40MB]
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4663-7. Other interior featuresCT200h_U (OM76004U)Safety Connect∗∗: If equippedSafety Connect is a subscription-based telematics service that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) data and emb edded cellular technology to pro-vide safety and security features to subscribers. Safety Connect is sup-ported by Lexus' designated response center, which operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.Safety Connect service is available by subscription on select, telematics hardware-equipped vehicles.By using the Safety Connect service, you are agreeing to be bound by the Telematics Subscription Service Agreement and its Terms and Conditions, as in effect and amended from time to time, a current copy of which is avail-able at Lexus.com. All use of the Safety Connect service is subject to such then-applicable Terms and Conditions.nSystem componentsMicrophoneLED light indicators"SOS" button
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