CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全69ページ 2.03MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_03-02.pdf - 2.03MB
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69page / 2.03MB
3233-2. Using the audio system3Interior featuresCT200h_U (OM76004U)Playing and pausing files (type B and C)To play or pause a file, press .Random playbacknPlaying files from a folder in random orderPress .To cancel, press again.nPlaying all the files from a disc in random orderPress and hold until you hear a beep.To cancel, press again.Repeat playnRepeating a filePress .To cancel, press again.nRepeating all the files in a folderPress and hold until you hear a beep.To cancel, press again.Switching the displayPress .Each time the button is pressed, the display changes in the following order: Folder no./File no./Elapsed time → Folder name → File name → Album title (MP3 only) → Track title → Artist name
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