
GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全18ページ 1.88MB]

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89GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM2. ROUTE GUIDANCE1. ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREENDuring route guidance, various types ofguidance screens can be displayed de-pending on conditions.SCREEN LAYOUTNo. FunctionDistance to the next turn and an ar-row indicating the turning directionGuidance routeCurrent positionDistance and travel/arrival time tothe destinationCurrent street nameINFORMATION●If the vehicle goes off the guidance route,the route is searched again.●For some areas, the roads have not beencompletely digitized in our database. Forthis reason, the route guidance mayselect a road that should not be traveledon.●When arriving at the set destination thedestination name will be displayed on thetop of the screen. Selecting "Off" clearsthe display.●When the head-up display is on, turn-by-turn guidance arrows will be displayed onthe windshield.DURING FREEWAY DRIVINGDuring freeway driving, the freeway exitinformation screen will be displayed.This screen displays the distance to thenext junction/exit, or POIs in the vicinityof the freeway exit.No./IconFunctionDistance from the current position tothe exit or junctionExit number and junction nameCurrent positionPoints of Interest that are close to afreeway exitCurrent street nameSelect to display the selected map ofthe exit vicinity.Select to scroll to farther junctions orexits.Select to scroll to closer junctions orexits.Select to display the closest 3 junc-tions or exits.


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  • 1 .
    89GS350/450h (US) NAVI ...
    89GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM2. ROUTE GUIDANCE1. ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREENDuring route guidance, various types ofguidance screens can be displayed de-pending on conditions.SCREEN LAYOUTNo. FunctionDistance to the next tur...
  • 2 .
    902. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    902. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32: Select to hide the freeway guidancescreen. Select "Intersection", or press the "MAP/VOICE" button on the Remote Touch, tochange back to the freeway guidancescreen.: Select to hide the int...
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    912. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    912. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM■TURN LIST SCREEN1 Select "Turn List" during guidance todisplay the turn list.■ARROW SCREEN1 Select "Turn-by-Turn Arrow" duringguidance to display the arrow screen.OTHER S...
  • 4 .
    922. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    922. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:322. TYPICAL VOICE GUIDANCE PROMPTSAs the vehicle approaches an intersec-tion, or point, where maneuvering thevehicle is necessary, the system's voiceguidance will provide various messages.No...
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    932. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    932. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM*: The system indicates a U-turn if the dis-tance between two one-way roads (ofopposite directions) is less than 50 ft. (15m) in residential areas or 164 ft. (50 m) innon-...
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    942. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    942. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32■ROUTES INCLUDING IPD ROADS After it has made a route calculation, thesystem will advise the user whether IPDroads are included in the route or not. The portion of the route that covers IPD...
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    952. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    952. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM3. DISTANCE AND TIME TO DESTINATION1 Select the screen button indicated bythe arrow.2 Select the number screen button to dis-play the desired destination. The distance, es...
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    962. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    962. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:324. SETTING AND DELETING DESTINATIONS1 Select "Route".2 Select "Add".3 Input an additional destination in thesame way as a destination search. (See"DESTINATION SEARCH" on page66.)4 Select th...
  • 9 .
    972. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    972. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM1 Select "Route".2 Select "Delete". When more than 1 destination is set, a listwill be displayed on the screen.3 Select the destination to be deleted."Delete All": Select ...
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    982. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    982. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:325. SETTING ROUTE1 Select "Route".2 Select "Detour".3 Select a screen button to select the de-sired detour distance."1 mile (km)", "3 miles (km)" or "5 miles(km)": Select one of these screen...
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    992. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/...
    992. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM1 Select "Route".2 Select "Overview".3 The entire route from the current posi-tion to the destination is displayed.1 Select or to skip to the next pageof the list of r...
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    1002. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1002. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321 Select "Route".2 Select "Preferences".3 Select "Preferred", "Short" or "Alter-nate" and select "OK".4 The entire route from the starting pointto the destination is displayed."OK": Select...
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    1012. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1012. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM2 Select "Preferences" to display condi-tions that can be selected when the sys-tem determines the route to thedestination.3 Select the desired route preference byselecti...
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    1022. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1022. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321 Select "Route".2 Select "Pause Guidance". The screen will return to the current posi-tion map without route guidance.1 Select "Route".2 Select "Resume Guidance". The map screen, with the...
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    1032. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1032. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM1 Select "Show on Map".2 Select "Select POI" to display a partic-ular type of POI icon on the screen. When the POI icons to be displayed on themap screen have already bee...
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    1042. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1042. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:322 Select "Other POIs" on the "Select POIIcons" screen. When a POI category is selected fromeither the limited list or the complete list,the icons of those locations will be dis-played on t...
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    1052. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1052. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM1 Directly select the desired Point of In-terest icon to set it as a destination. The map will shift so that the icon is cen-tered on the screen and overlaps with thecurs...
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    1062. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350...
    1062. ROUTE GUIDANCEGS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321 Select "Show on Map".2 Select "Route Trace". The "Route Trace" indicator is highlighted.1 Select "Show on Map".2 Select "Route Trace". Selecting "Yes" stops recording and theroute trace ...