GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.03MB]
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ADVANCED FUNCTIONS114Current position/tire change calibra-tionThe current vehicle position mark can beadjusted manually. Miscalculation of thedistance caused by tire replacement canalso be adjusted.1. Push the "MENU" button.2. Touch "Setup" on the "Menu"screen.Then touch twice to display page 3 ofthe "Setup" screen.3. Touch "Adjust" of "Calibration".4. Touch the desired button.INFORMATIONFor additional information on the ac-curacy of a current vehicle position,see "Limitations of the navigationsystem" on page 194.POSITION/DIRECTION CALIBRATIONWhen driving, the current vehicle positionmark will be automatically corrected byGPS signals. If GPS reception is poor dueto location, you can manually adjust thecurrent vehicle position mark.1. Touch "Position/Direction".2. Touch the eight directional touch −screen button to move the cursor tothe desired point on the map.3. Touch "Enter".
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