HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS54Expression examples for each func-tionIn some situations, It is possible to omit acommand for each procedure and to saythe desired operation directly.EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THE"Destination" SCREENNormal command recognition -Destination>Point of Interest>NearHere>Gas> The gas stations near the cur-rent location will be listed.Natural speech recognition -Destination> What gas stations arenearby?> The gas stations near the cur-rent location will be listed.INFORMATIONNatural speech example:"Where's the nearest Mexican restau-rant?""Where is the closest ATM?"EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THE"Phone Menu" SCREEN (when makinga call using a phonebook)Normal command recognition -Phone>Dial by Name>Bob>mobile> Thephone number will be displayed.Natural speech recognition -Phone>Call to Bob on his mobile.> Thephone number will be displayed.INFORMATIONNatural speech example:"Get me Rob Brown on the phone.""Please place a call to John on hismobile."EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THE"Phone Menu" SCREEN (when makinga call by saying a phone number)Normal command recognition -Phone>Dial by Number>123−456−789>The phone number will be displayed.Natural speech recognition -Phone>Call to 123−456−789.> Thephone number will be displayed.INFORMATIONThe above mentioned command formaking a call can also be recognizedon the voice recognition top screen.Natural speech example:"I'd like to place a call to123−456−789.""I want to buzz 123−456−789, please."
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