HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS52U1084LC3. Following voice guidance, say thecommand displayed on the screen.If a desired outcome is not shown, or if nochoices are available, say "Go back" orselect "Go Back" to return to the previousscreen.To cancel voice command recognition, say"Cancel", select "Cancel", or push andhold the talk switch.If the navigation system does not respondor the confirmation screen does not disap-pear, please push the talk switch and tryagain.If a voice command cannot be recognizedwithin 6 seconds, the voice guidance sys-tem will say "Pardon?" ("Command notrecognized." will be displayed on thescreen) and voice command reception willrestart.If a voice command cannot be recognizedtwo consecutive times, the voice guidancesystem will say "Paused. To restart voicerecognition, push the talk switch.", then besuspended.U1003AASLYMicrophoneIt is unnecessary to speak directly intothe microphone when giving a com-mand.INFORMATIONWait for the confirmation beep be-fore speaking a command.Voice commands may not be rec-ognized if :Spoken too quicklySpoken at a low or high volumeThe windows or sunroof areopenPassengers are talking whilevoice commands are spokenThe air conditioning speed is sethighTurning the air−conditioningvents towards the microphone.The command is not correct orclear.Note that certain words, accents,or speech patterns may be diffi-cult for the system to recognize.There are some noises such aswind noise, etc.
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