HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS55EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THE"Information Menu" SCREENNormal command recognition -Information>XM Nav Weather>Los An-geles, California> The weather informa-tion will be displayed.Natural speech recognition -Information>Give me a weather reportfor Los Angeles, California. > Theweather information will be displayed.INFORMATIONNatural speech example:"How about Detroit, Michigan?"EXPRESSION EXAMPLES WITH THE"Audio Menu" SCREEN (when the au-dio source is in satellite radio mode)Normal command recognition -Audio>Select Channel Number >90> Thechannel will be changed to the one se-lected.Natural speech recognition -Audio>Play channel ninety, please > Thechannel will be changed to the one se-lected.INFORMATIONNatural speech example:"Switch the channel to XM one seven-ty five."VOICE RECOGNITION TOP SCREENEXPRESSION EXAMPLESNormal command recognition -Command List>Dual Map> The map willbe displayed in dual map mode.Natural speech recognition -Switch to dual map mode.> The map willbe displayed in dual map mode.The system has a voice recognition com-mand list. You can operate the voicerecognition system by saying any com-mand from the displayed command list.1. Push the talk switch.U1007LI2. Say "Command list".3. Say the command of your choice tooperate the system.To confirm commands on the screen, se-lect or to scroll through the com-mand list. This function is available onlywhen the vehicle is not moving.- Command list
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