HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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38page / 1.02MB
NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS59Change guidance modeCommand ActionFreeway mode Changes guidance screen to freewaymode.Intersection mode Changes guidance screen to Intersec-tion mode.Set a destinationCommand ActionPrevious start point Calculates route to previous start point.Save a point on the mapCommand ActionMark this point Marks the point on the map.Change routeCommand ActionQuick route Changes route to quick route.Short route Changes route to short route.Alternate route Changes route to alternate route.Detour Calculates detour route.Detour entire route Calculates detour entire route.Review routeCommand ActionRoute overview Shows entire route.Next destination map Shows position of next destination.First destination map Shows position of first destination.Second destination map Shows position of second destination.Third destination map Shows position of third destination.Fourth destination map Shows position of fourth destination.Fifth destination map Shows position of fifth destination.Final destination map Shows position of final destination.
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