HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS38U1004AASLYPush the "OPEN/CLOSE" button toopen or close the display.While you are using the navigation system,turning the "POWER" switch off will turn offthe system. The display will open when the"POWER" switch is turned toACCESSORY or ON mode.The navigation system can be used whenthe "POWER" switch is in the ACCESSO-RY or ON mode.CAUTIONTake care not to jam your hand whileopening/closing the display. Other-wise you could be injured.NOTICEDo not obstruct the display while it isopening/closing. It could damageyour navigation system.U1005AASLYWhen the display is hard to be read dueto the lights from your surroundings,the display can be tilted.The display will automatically resume theprevious position you used when the en-gine switch is turned to ACCESSORY orON mode.CAUTIONTake care not to jam your hand whiletilting the display. Otherwise, youcould be injured.NOTICEDo not obstruct the display while it istilting. It could damage your naviga-tion system.Display operation
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