
ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全11ページ 0.13MB]

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2012-5. Driving information2When drivingWinter driving tipsCarry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving thevehicle in winter. Always drive the ve hicle in a manner appropriate to theprevailing weather conditions. ■Pre-winter preparations●Use fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside tempera-tures. * Engine oil* Engine coolant* Washer fluid●Have a service technician inspect the level and specific gravity ofbattery electrolyte.●Have the vehicle fitted with four snow tires or purchase a set oftire chains for the rear tires. Ensure that all tires are the specified size and the same brand, and thatchains match the size of the tires.■Before driving the vehiclePerform the following according to the driving conditions. ●Do not try to forcibly open a window or move a wiper that is fro-zen. Pour warm water over the froz en area to melt the ice. Wipeaway the water immediately to prevent it from freezing. ●To ensure proper operation of the climate control system fan,remove any snow that has accumu lated on the air inlet vents infront of the windshield. ●Remove any ice that has accumul ated on the vehicle chassis. ●Periodically check for and remove any excess ice or snow thatmay have accumulated in the wheel well or on the brakes.


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