
ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.13MB]

Swan2911 - 2013-09-17 - 0.13MB - キャッシュ
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8711-6. Theft deterrent systemBefore drivingAlarmThe system sounds the alarm and flashe s the lights when forcible entry isdetected.nTriggering of the alarmThe alarm is triggered in the follow ing situations when the alarm isset:lA locked door or trunk is unlocked or opened in any way otherthan using the entry function, wi reless remote door lock functionor mechanical key.lThe hood is opened.nSetting the alarm systemClose the doors, trunk andhood, and lock all doors.The system will be set automati-cally after 30 seconds.The indicator light changes frombeing on to flashing when thesystem is set.nDeactivating or stopping the alarmDo one of the following to deactivate or stop the alarm.lUnlock the doors or trunk.lTurn the "ENGINE START STOP" switch to ACCESSORY orIGNITION ON mode, or start the engine. (The alarm will bedeactivated or stopped after a few seconds.)


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    8711-6. Theft deterrent systemBefore drivingAlarmThe system sounds the alarm and flashe s the lights when forcible entry isdetected.nTriggering of the alarmThe alarm is triggered in the follow ing situations when the alarm isset:lA locked door or trunk is ...
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