ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全11ページ 0.36MB]
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5When trouble arises3795-1. Essential informationIf you think something is wrongIf you notice any of the following sy mptoms, your vehicle probably needsadjustment or repair. Contact your Lexus dealer as soon as possible.nVisible symptomslFluid leaks under the vehicle(Water dripping from the air conditioning after use is normal.)lFlat-looking tires or uneven tire wearlEngine coolant temperature gauge needle continually pointshigher than normalnAudible symptomslChanges in exhaust soundlExcessive tire squeal when corneringlStrange noises related to the suspension systemlPinging or other noises related to the enginenOperational symptomslEngine missing, stumbling or running roughlAppreciable loss of powerlVehicle pulls heavily to one side when brakinglVehicle pulls heavily to one side when driving on a level roadlLoss of brake effectiveness, spongy feeling, pedal almost touchesthe floor
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