ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全12ページ 0.22MB]
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1832-5. Driving information2When drivingWinter driving tipsCarry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving thevehicle in winter. Always drive the ve hicle in a manner appropriate to theprevailing weather conditions. nPre-winter preparationslUse fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside tempera-tures. * Engine oil* Engine coolant* Washer fluid* Have a service technician inspect the level and specific gravityof battery electrolyte.lHave the vehicle fitted with four snow tires or purchase a set oftire chains for the rear tires. Ensure that all tires are the specified size and the same brand, and thatchains match the size of the tires.nBefore driving the vehiclePerform the following according to the driving conditions. lDo not try to forcibly open a window or move a wiper that is fro-zen. Pour warm water over the froz en area to melt the ice. Wipeaway the water immediately to prevent it from freezing. lTo ensure proper operation of the climate control system fan,remove any snow that has accumu lated on the air inlet vents infront of the windshield. lRemove any ice that has accumul ated on the vehicle chassis. lPeriodically check for and remove any excess ice or snow thatmay have accumulated in the wheel well or on the brakes.
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