ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.12MB]
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259IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)LEXUS PARKING ASSIST- SENSOR When another vehicle equipped withultrasonic sensors gets close to yourvehicle. When heavy rain or water is splashedover the vehicle.(Drive carefully as the braking distancemay be affected.) When a radio antenna or fender pole ismounted on your vehicle. If towing eyelet is installed on your ve-hicle. When you are driving towards a tallcurb stone or curb stone having rightangle. The detection range for an object suchas a traffic sign may be shortened. An object just under the bumper cannotbe detected. Although an object lowerthan the location of sensors is once de-tected, the detection might be stoppedwhen your vehicle gets closer to theobject. When an obstacle is very close to thesensors.The Lexus parking assist-sensor maynot detect the following: Thin objects such as wire or rope Sound wave absorbing objects such ascotton or snow Objects with a sharp edge Tall objects with the upper part project-ed Shorter objectsIf an error is detected when the parkingassist-sensor is turned on, the vehiclesymbol comes on or flashes with beep-ing sounds.However, the sensors functioning properlycontinue their obstacle detection.The parking assist-sensor failure warningdisplay is not given in either of the followingoperations: Changing to another screen Turning off the main switch for theLexus parking assist-sensor- Lexus parkingassist-sensor failurewarning
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