ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.86MB]
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152OTHER FUNCTIONSIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)Speech command example: Searchingfor a route to your home.1. Push the speech command switch.2. Say "Home" .You can also say the street name or ad-dress. (ex. say "Woodridge Avenue" .)If your home is not registered, you will hear"Home is not registered".3. If the system recognized the com-mand, the recognition result "Home" isdisplayed on the top of the screen withthe screen message. (Displayed mes-sage and the touch-screen buttons onthe screen depend on the situation.)Touch or say "Cancel" , and the system willbe canceled. Touch or say "Help" , and dis-plays the "Help" screen.4. Touch "Enter" or say "Enter des-tination", and the system starts search-ing for a route to your home. (If the des-tination is already registered, "Add to" or "Replace " is displayed on thescreen.)Touch or say "Cancel" , and the search willbe canceled.When you search the destination by"POI Name", this screen is displayed.Touch "Enter" or say "Enter destination" .When you touch "Show List", you cansearch another spot in its category.INFORMATIONIn the following conditions, the sys-tem may not recognize the commandproperly. The command is not correct orclear. There are some noises such aswind noise, etc.
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