ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 1.80MB]
sec_04_03.pdf - 1.80MB
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2854-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and carelSensors can be removed from the ol d wheels and installed on the newwheels.lWhen replacing only the tire, the sensor already installed on the wheeldoes not need to be replaced.lReplacing both a wheel and its sensor.When new tire pressure sensors are installed, new sensor ID codes must beregistered in the ECU and tire inflatio n pressure sensor must be initialized.(→P. 285, 286)Initializing the tire pressure warning systemnThe tire pressure warning system must be initialized in the followingcircumstances:lWhen the standard tire pressure changes by replacing tires orwheelslWhen tires are rotated.lWhen tire pressure sensors are replaced.lWhen driving with the tires inflated to a higher than standard tirepressure.When the tire pressure warning sy stem is initialized, the current tirepressure is set as the pressure benchmark.nHow to initialize the tire pressure warning systemTo initialize the system, use the satellite switch. ( →P. 222)Park the vehicle in safe place and turn off the engine.Adjust the tire pressure to the specified pressure (→P. 389)Start the engine.Make sure to adjust the tire pressure to the specified level. The tire infla-tion pressure warning system will operate based on this pressure level.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3
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