ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全31ページ 0.82MB]
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631-7. Safety information1Before drivingIn certain types of severe frontal or side impacts, the SRS airbag systemtriggers the airbag inflators. A chemica l reaction in the inflators quicklyfills the airbags with non-toxic gas to he lp restrain the motion of the occu-pants.nSRS warning lightThis warning light system monitors the airb ag sensor assembly, front airbag sensors,side and curtain shield airbag sensor assemblies, curtain shield airbag sensorassemblies, driver's seat position sensor, dr iver's seat belt buckle switch, seat beltpretensioner assemblies, inflators, inte rconnecting wiring and power sources. (→P. 340)nIf the SRS airbags deploy (inflate)lBruising and slight abrasions may result from contact with a deploying (inflating)SRS airbag.lA loud noise and white powder will be emitted.lParts of the airbag module (steering wheel hub, airbag cover and inflator) aswell as the front seats, and parts of the front pillar, rear pillar and roof side rail,may be hot for several minutes. The airbag itself may also be hot.lThe front windshield may crack.nOperating conditions (front airbags)lThe SRS front airbags will deploy if the severity of the frontal impact is above thedesigned threshold level, comparable to an approximate 15 mph (25 km/h) col-lision when the vehicle impacts straight into a fixed barrier that does not moveor deform.However, this threshold velocity will be considerably higher if the vehicle strikesan object, such as a parked vehicle or sign pole, which can move or deform onimpact, or if the vehicle is involved in an underride collision (e.g. a collision inwhich the front of the vehicle "underrides", or goes under, the bed of a truck, etc.).lIt is possible that in some collisions where the forward deceleration of the vehi-cle is very close to the designed thresh old level, the SRS front airbags and theseat belt pretensioners may not activate together. lThe SRS front passenger airbag will not activate if there is no passenger sittingin the front passenger seat. However, the front passenger airbag may deploy ifluggage is put in the seat, or the seat belt is fastened, even if the seat is unoccu-pied. (→P. 72)
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