ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 1.67MB]
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147IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508)OTHER FUNCTIONS Changing the Bluetooth settingsYou can change the display and settings ofBluetooth information on the system.The information displays the followingitems."Device Name"The name in the Bluetooth net-. . . . . work. You can change it."Passkey"The password when you regis-. . . . . ter your cellular phone in thesystem. You can change it intothe figure of 4−8 digits."Bluetooth Device Address"The address peculiar to the. . . . . system. You can not change it.If you have registered twoBluetooth phones with thesame Device Name or Pass-key and you cannot distinguishone from the other, refer to it.When you change the device name orPasskey, do the followings.1. Touch "Bluetooth".2. Touch "Change" of "Device Name"or "Passkey".
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