
ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全2ページ 0.05MB]

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IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508)iii2006 IS350/250 Navigation from Aug. '05 Prod. (OM53515U)For safety reasons, this manual indicatesitems requiring particular attention with thefollowing marks.CAUTIONThis is a warning against anythingwhich may cause injury to people ifthe warning is ignored. You are in-formed about what you must or mustnot do in order to reduce the risk ofinjury to yourself and others.NOTICEThis is a warning against anythingwhich may cause damage to the ve-hicle or its equipment if the warningis ignored. You are informed aboutwhat you must or must not do in or-der to avoid or reduce the risk of dam-age to your vehicle and its equip-ment.INFORMATIONThis provides additional information.To use this system in the safest possiblemanner, follow all the safety tips shown be-low.This system is intended to assist in reach-ing the destination and, if used properly,can do so. The driver is solely responsiblefor the safe operation of your vehicle andthe safety of your passengers.Do not use any feature of this system to theextent it becomes a distraction and pre-vents safe driving. The first priority whiledriving should always be the safe opera-tion of the vehicle. While driving, be sureto observe all traffic regulations.Prior to the actual use of this system, learnhow to use it and become thoroughly famil-iar with it. Read the entire Navigation Sys-tem Owner's Manual to make sure you un-derstand the system. Do not allow otherpeople to use this system until they haveread and understood the instructions inthis manual.For your safety, some functions may be-come inoperable when driving. Unavail-able touch−screen buttons are dimmed.Only when the vehicle is not moving, canthe destination and route selection bedone.Important information aboutthis manualSafety Instruction


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    IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508...
    IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508)iii2006 IS350/250 Navigation from Aug. '05 Prod. (OM53515U)For safety reasons, this manual indicatesitems requiring particular attention with thefollowing marks.CAUTIONThis is a warning against anythingwhich may cause injury to pe...
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    2 ページ目のマニュアル
    IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508)iv2006 IS350/250 Navigation from Aug. '05 Prod. (OM53515U)CAUTIONFor safety, the driver should notoperate the navigation systemwhile he/she is driving.Insufficient attention to the roadand traffic may cause an accident.While drivi...