ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全62ページ 1.81MB]
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2874-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and careCAUTIONnWhen inspecting or replacing tiresObserve the following precautions to prevent accidents. Failure to do so may causedamage to parts of the drive train, as we ll as dangerous handling characteristics,which may lead to fatal or injury accidents.lDo not mix tires of different makes, models, tread patterns or tread wear.lDo not use tire sizes other th an those recommended by Lexus.lDo not mix radial, bias-belted, or bias-ply tires.lDo not mix summer, all season and winter tires.NOTICEnRepairing or replacing tires, wheels and sensorslWhen removing the tires from the wheels, be careful not to damage the system'stire inflation warning sensors. Contact your Lexus dealer for details regarding theremoval and installation procedures.lWhen replacing tires, make sure also to replace the tire inflation pressure sensorgrommets.nDo not use puncture sealant sprays to repair flatsPuncture sealant sprays may damage tire inflation pressure sensors.
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