MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全165ページ 2.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.67MB
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103OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATION CONTROLS DATA INDEXNEW WHEELS AND TIRES The correct wheels and tiresThe manufacturer of your vehicle recommends mounting only wheels and tires that it has specifically tested and approved for use on your particular model. Although other wheels and tires may theo-retically have the same dimensions, varia-tions in factors such as manufacturing tol-erances can result in contact between tire and bodywork, ultimately leading to seri-ous accidents. The manufacturer of your vehicle cannot evaluate non-approved wheels and tires to determine if they are suited for use, and therefore cannot ensure the operating safety of the vehicle if they are fitted. <To maintain good handling and vehicle response, use only tires of a single brand and tread configuration. In the event of a flat tire, remount the previous wheel and tire combination as soon as possible.Recommended tire sizes and brands: For each tire size, certain tire brands have been tested, classified as road safe and approved by the manufacturer of your vehicle. You can find out about these from a professional tire center, preferably your MINI Dealer. Observe an y local regulations, e.g. on making a corresponding entry in the vehicle documents. The factory-approved radial belt tires are matched to your vehicle and provide opti-mum safety and driving comfort when used properly.Run Flat tires: If your vehicle is equipped with Run Flat tires, refer to Run Flat tires, please note the following: when mounting new tires or replacing summer tires with winter tires, or vice versa, use only Run Flat tires since no spare wheel is available in the event of a flat. The manufacturer of your vehicle will be glad to advise you.Special characteristics of winter tires The manufacturer of your vehicle recom-mends winter tires for driving in adverse winter road conditio ns. While all-season tires with the M+S designation provide bet-ter winter traction than summer tires, they generally do not achieve the full perfor-mance of winter tires. Observing speed ratings: Never exceed the maximum speed for which the winter tires are rated. Unprofessional attempts by laymen to ser-vice tires can lead to damage and acci-dents. Have this work performed by skilled professionals only. The technicans at your MINI Dealer will be glad to assist you with the required professional knowledge and specialized equipment. <Storage Store tires in a cool, dry place, protecting them against light whenever possible. Pro-tect the tires against contact with oil, grease and fuel. Do not exceed the tire inflation pressure specified on the tire side-wall.
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