MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全176ページ 2.40MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.40MB
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118BONNETDo not attempt to service your vehi-cle if you do not have the required technical background. If you are not famil-iar with the regulati ons to be observed, have the necessary work on your vehicle carried out only by a MINI Dealer or a work-shop that has specially trained personnel working in accordance with the specifica-tions of the MINI manufacturer. Work that is improperly carried out could result in consequential damage and pose safety hazards. <To unlock Pull the lever in the right door area beneath the instrument panel.To open 1. Reach under the bonnet2. Pull the release lever3. Open the bonnet.To close Allow the bonnet to fall from a height of approx.1ft/30 cm.Make sure that the closing range of the bonnet is unobstructed, other-wise personal injury could result.If it is determined that the bonnet is not completely closed while driving, stop immediately and close it securely, also refer to page 17 . <
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