MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全176ページ 2.40MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.40MB
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53OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATION CONTROLS DATA INDEXIGNITION LOCK STARTING THE ENGINE 0 Steering locked1 Steering unlocked2 Ignition switched on3 Starting the engineSteering locked The key can be inserted or removed in this position only.To lock the steering:1. Remove the key2. Turn the steering wheel slightly to the left or right until the lock engages.An alarm goes off if the key remains in the ignition after opening the driver's door.Interlock for automati c transmission with Steptronic: To turn the key back to the 0 position or to remove it, first move the selector lever to position P.Steering unlocked Individual electrical accessories are ready for operation.You will find that it is often easier to turn the ignition key from position0 to position1 when you move the steering wheel slightly to help disengage the lock.Ignition switched on All electrical accessories are ready for oper-ation.Starting the engineVehicles with manual transmission:step on the clutch when starting the vehicle. A lockout prevents the engine from starting if the clutch is not depressed. <Do not allow the engine to run in enclosed spaces. Breathing the nox-ious exhaust gases can lead to uncon-sciousness and death. The exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and colorless, but highly toxic gas.Do not leave the vehicle unattended with the engine running. This is a safety hazard.Before getting out of the vehicle with the engine running, put the transmission in idle or position P, and apply the parking brake. If you fail to do this, the vehicle could move. <Do not let the engine warm up with the vehicle at a standstill. Move off immedi-ately at a moderate engine speed.Do not stop the starting procedure too early, and do not continue it for more than approx. 20seconds. Release the ignition key immediately when the engine starts.Extended starting attempts, characterized by excessively frequent or long periods with the starter engaged, can lead to dam-age in the catalytic converter. <
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