MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全176ページ 2.40MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.40MB
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176page / 2.40MB
20MULTIFUNCTION STEERING WHEEL*Multifunction sports steering wheelThe multifunction sports steering wheel comes with integrated control buttons enabling you to operate the following func-tions quickly and safely, without having to take your eyes from the road:> Some audio source functions> Cruise control> Telephone.Multifunction sports steering wheel 1 Call up and continue cruise control2 Store speed and accelerate3 Activate/interrupt/deactivate cruise control4 Store speed and decelerate5 Fast forward/rewind or scroll through phone book:> RadioPress button briefly: next/previous stored stationPress for longer: station search> CD/MDPress button briefly: track skipPress for longer: search within track> CassettePress button briefly: track skip or stop fast forwardPress for longer: fast forwardIf the Wave radio is installed, the above options for cassette player operation are not available. <6 Volume up/down7 Switch between telephone and other audio sources8 Accept or terminate a phone call
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