MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全160ページ 2.65MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 2.65MB
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REFERENCE AT A GLANCE CONTROLS DRIVING TIPS MOBILITY 89Securing cargoBy way of example, the illustration shows the cargo compartment in the MINI.>Secure smaller and lighter items using retaining or draw straps*.>Heavy-duty cargo straps* for securing larger and heavier objects are available at your MINI Dealer. Four lashing eyes are provided for attaching the cargo straps. Two of them are located on the forward wall of the cargo bay.Comply with the information enclosed with the load-securing devices.Always position and secure the cargo as described above, so that it cannot endan-ger the car's occupants, for example if sudden braking or swerves are necessary. Do not exceed the approved gross weight and axle loads (see page 144); otherwise the vehi-cle's operating safety is no longer assured and it will not be in compliance with the certification regulations. Heavy or hard objects should not be carried loose inside the car, since they could be thrown around, for example as a result of heavy braking, sudden swerves, etc., and endanger the occu-pants. Do not secure cargo using the fastening points for the tether strap (page 36); they may become damaged. <Roof-mounted luggage rack*A special rack system is available as an option for your MINI. Your MINI Dealer will be glad to advise you. Comply with the installation instruc-tions supplied with the rack system.Mounting pointsBy way of example, the illustration shows the roof of the MINI.Remove the cover panel.Loading roof-mounted luggage rackBecause roof racks raise the vehicle's center of gravity when loaded, they have a major effect on vehicle handling and steering response. You should therefore always remember not to exceed the approved roof load capacity, the approved gross vehicle weight or the axle loads when loading the rack.You can find the applicable data under Weights on page 144.The roof load must be distributed uniformly and should not be too large in area. Heavy items should always be placed at the bottom.When loading, make sure that there is sufficient space for the movement of the glass sunroof.Fasten roof-mounted cargo correctly and securely to prevent it from shifting or falling off during the trip.Drive smoothly. Avoid sudden acceleration and braking maneuvers, and take corners gently.Saving fuelFuel consumption depends on a number of dif-ferent factors. The implementation of certain measures, your driving style and regular mainte-nance can have an influence on fuel consump-tion and on the environmental impact.
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